About me

Who is Jefferson da Veiga?

Who is Jefferson da Veiga?

I am someone who is very passionate about making music and i started taking it way more serious when a few big names in the industry told me personally: “You have what it takes to become a superstar. We don’t know exactly what it is you have, but you have that ‘something’…” I could on for a while by giving y’all a fully detail background story of my life so far, but i’ll keep that for another moment.

Next to making music, I am super super suuuuper passionate about writing stories. Mainly the creation of comicbooks and graphic novels.
This all started when i was about 6 years old. Having very vivid dreams and lengthy nightmares which i could tell from beginning to end.
One day at school, i decided to stand in front of the class and tell them one of my nightmare stories….eversince then one of my teachers decided to stimulate this passion by giving me the assignment to write one story every week, which she then would read before the whole class.

My Greatest inspirations:

I don’t have a top 3 or top 5, cause i don’t want to insult ANY of the greats that have come before me after all the amazing works they have put out as a collective.
I truly love the originators and pioneers of the sounds i’ve listened to throughout my lifetime and i will continue to show them my appreciation for as long as i live.
When it comes to the way i use my harmonies, it reminds people of the way M.J. used to sing them in. When i go into my soul and RnB mode, they tend to compare me to Marvin Gaye and sometimes Ne-yo. And my falsettos are heavily inspired by the Neo-Soul singer Maxwell. I really hope to work with him as well one day…
Other than that, i have a whole mix and variety of sounds which are all original sounds of ‘Black Culture.’
Whether it be Rock, Soul, RnB, Jazz, HipHop, Blues, Trapsoul, main-stream African, Cape Verdean Zouk or even classic, i love to find the perfect way to blend the styles and keep my originality within them, so people will immediately recognize who is the artist on the track.
After about 12 years of research and development, i have found my own sound and i’m ready to share that with the world.

As you can see, i can talk a lot and i have a lot more to tell you. Maybe you could take a look at the videos where i explain a bit about my creative process and my perspectives on other things.

Hope y’all enjoyed this piece and if you ever wanna ask something, send me a message or contact via contact-page or social media.